While using Excel, sometimes we need to count some cells which have special qualitatives. Excel can count all the cells which included an important number for us, a text which special for us... An Example: If you want to know how many "yellow" cells are "glass 4mm", just write this code: =SUMPRODUCT((C3:C16="Yellow")*(B3:B16="Glass 4mm")) If you want to know how many "black" glasses have 20 or less quantity, this code is for you: =SUMPRODUCT((C3:C16="Black")*(D3:D16>=20)) If you want to know how many products is less than 20 and cheaper or equal to 100$, this is the code: =SUMPRODUCT((E4:E16<=100)*(D4:D16<=20)) These samples can be reproduced. You just need to write suitable code for your scenario.