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Another Project to Make My Old PC Faster

I have had a project to make my old PC faster. Now I bought a Mi TV Stick and I do not need a mediacenter device no longer. So I decided to make this old PC functional again. I searched and searched then found another toy to play. It is called  Cloud Ready . Cloud Ready is an operating system from neverware which forked from chromiumOS project that opensourced. They give free licence to home users. So it is a wonderful choice for me.  CloudReady is a lightweight operating system so it can run on old machines. It is a cloud oriented so you can boot your device and connect to internet. Then you can use your browser to see or edit your word/excel files online. Surf on the internet, watch videos and listen to music. So if you arenot a professional user such as AutoCAD professional, this operating system can be an option to install. Installation steps and needed files are on the developers site. Just read and install this system. Here is some screenshots of my new toy:
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