I have a laptop with an SSD and an HDD. SSD includes Windows. HDD include Ubuntu 20.04. For some reasons, I need to resize, merge, move the partitions of HDD...
This will be a "How to" post...
- First, unmount or disable the swap partition. Because it is impossible editing while it is active.
- Install GParted.
- After selecting the right disk, do the changes like merging, resizing and moving.
- When it was done, use "blkid" command to determine the new UUID of new swap.
- Open /etc/fstab/ with gedit. (sudo gedit /etc/fstab/)
- Find the line which included "sw"
- There is a UUID which is old partition's one. Change this UUID with the new one learned with blkid command. Then save and close the gedit windows.
- Now it is time to control that new swap is active or not. Use this command: "free -m". If you see memory line and swap line on the screen, you did everything right. If not, there is a mistake in somewhere above.
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