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Showing posts from July, 2020

How to Add or Resize Your Swap Partition on Linux

I have a laptop with an SSD and an HDD. SSD includes Windows. HDD include Ubuntu 20.04. For some reasons, I need to resize, merge, move the partitions of HDD...  This will be a "How to" post...  First, unmount or disable the swap partition. Because it is impossible editing while it is active.  Install GParted.  After selecting the right disk, do the changes like merging, resizing and moving.  When it was done, use "blkid" command to determine the new UUID of new swap.  Open /etc/fstab/ with gedit. (sudo gedit /etc/fstab/) Find the line which included "sw" There is a UUID which is old partition's one. Change this UUID with the new one learned with blkid command. Then save and close the gedit windows. Now it is time to control that new swap is active or not. Use this command: "free -m". If you see memory line and swap line on the screen, you did everything right. If not, there is a mistake in somewhere above.

Solution of Error Message: "Ignoring file '' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension"

While using Ubuntu 20.04, I've encountered the warning in the subject line of this post after using update command in terminal. I think it is about some compatibility problem with the sources added after Ubuntu setup.  I tried to get rid of that message deleting all the ".save" files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory. But no way... After first use of update command, they have been created again.  After a little research, I found a solution as a workaround. Writing the below command hides the warning message forever:  sudo sh -c "echo 'Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently:: \"(.save|.distupgrade)$\";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99ignoresave"